Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Granite's Many Fine Properties.

Considering granite for a countertop and wondering if the work associated with granite fabrication is worth it? Granite should be a top choice for an addition to your home and it's a great investment in terms of both time and money... well worth the task and expense of fabricating it. Here's why... probably first and foremost, granite simply looks great. Granite comes in many incredible natural colors, and is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural stones in the world.
Durability: Granite will in all likelihood outlast you and certainly the lifetime of your home. It's highly-resistant to chipping and scratching, and is impervious to heat. Your granite's original, "day installed" beauty in terms of its color and polished surface will not fade over time.
Economics: With the new industry technologies available to those who quarry granite and fabricate it, the cost of granite has dropped substantially in the last few decades. Granite and natural stone prices are now competitive or actually lower than many man-made options, and granite lasts longer than any of these other surfaces.
Ecology: Although mining and quarrying can potentially be destructive to the environment if it's not handled responsibly, other countertop and flooring products can be far worse ecologically in several ways. Many of these synthetic products create potentially deadly and hazardous by-products which go straight to our neighboring landfills. It's highly unlikely granite would need to be replaced as often or as casually as some man-made countertop substrates are, but even if replacement was chosen, granite is an all-natural material that would actually end up being returned to the environment from which it came. Choosing granite is one way of "going green".

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